
         Dear 7 formers!

        Sorry for the delay (you must have been looking for this feedback on the lesson for some hours), but, you know, these busy days:)

        Well, teens! I must admit, it was an unforgettable experience to be working with you. I find you to be a really cooperative and good group. I was a little bit afraid the day before the lesson for I didn`t know how you would react to me and whether you would communicate with me freely, without any fear. But my worries were blown away from the very start of the lesson - I just love the way you perceive things and communicate things to other people. You must have a really cool teacher of English because you spoke soooo well!

                                            My thumbs up! 

                                                                        Best regards,

                                                                                       Violetta Makedon

P.S. Nataliya! Thanks for the photos! Do not forget to do the homework!



                     Dear readers!

There has been a great concern about the evolution of language through social media!

Some people say social media is killing our language. Their arguments are innumerable, but they mostly cite the excessive usage of undecipherable initialisms, incorrect abbreviations, and cutesy emoticons. Others believe (a much smaller population, to be sure) that social media is not ruining language, but rather simply changing the ways in which we use language to express ourselves. 

Find out about it looking through the presentation and write your opinions!
                                               Regards, Violetta



       P.S. до попередньої публікації

Хочете відправити дитину до мовного табору Британії, Америки, Мальти, Німеччини і не тільки?

Зв'язуйтесь зі мною! Я про це вже дещо знаю, адже  акцент на форумі було зроблено на необхідності повного занурення учнів у мовне середовище, яке дозволить досягти високих результатів за короткий термін.

 Можливість досягти цих результатів надають різноманітні навчальні літні програми  зарубіжних шкіл – учасників Форуму, котрі пропонують літні канікулярні програми, загальні та інтенсивні програми навчання англійської, програми підготовки до вступу в університет, програми підготовки до складання іспитів, індивідуальні заняття, тренінги для вчителів. Навчання за цими програмами надає українським учням виняткову можливість щоденного навчання та взаємодії наших учнів зі школярами типових зарубіжних шкіл, повної інтеграції та занурення в учбовий англомовний процес, набуття певного культурного досвіду та  участі в інтенсивній екскурсійно-розважальній програмі.

Ось посилання на сайт компанії, що допоможе Вам підібрати програму.  http://www.alekom.kiev.ua/ 

                                                             Раджу Всім!!! 


Me with the Certificate. Hope, not the last:)

What March has brought us, teachers!

         It has brought a completely new experience in approach to language teaching! Organized by the ALEKOM EDUCATION ABROAD comp., the second annual Foreign Languages Teachers Forum, held in the middle of March in Kyiv, had everything a language teacher may dream of. World-famous teachers from the most recognized schools of the UK, the USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Malta, Italy, Spain and Poland shared their international experience with Ukrainian teachers. 

        The wide range of sessions with the professionals provided an excellent ground for our teachers` practice. Acquiring new ideas on how to deal with students` anxiety, how to motivate  kids, how to use authentic teaching sources, how to implement computer technologies in class - this is just a short list of what we could learn. Not only was the event educational and challenging, but also perfectly well organized with fascinating opening and closing ceremonies, as well as warm-hearted receptions.
By the way, all the teachers have been granted special Certificates of the FLT Forum Attendance. 

     In one word, I am very grateful to the ALEKOM EDUCATION ABROAD comp. for the opportunity to be part of this unforgettable Forum and for the enjoyable time spent with the participants of the event! 

(the photos show Maria Lunyak, the head of ALEKOM EDUCATION, our international teachers, my Ukrainian colleagues and, of course, Kyiv!)


"Teacher of the Year 2016" - the best organized contest I have ever taken part in!

Dear Readers! 

I am back from the regional contest "Teacher of the Year 2016" and want to share my impressions of the event with you! 

           The regional level of the contest was held in Uzhhorod on the 10-11th of February. 

The teachers who got into the top 5 came to the town fully equipped with knowledge, teaching materials and, above all, the desire to win. We were welcomed to a beautiful big hall, where the opening ceremony took place. The friendly atmosphere, the encouraging words of Tetyana Paljko, the head of the INSET Institute,  together with the professionally organized event gave us, contestants, the secure feeling of being highly valued as teachers.

       During the opening ceremony we took part in the lottery that defined which pupils we were going to teach the next day. Then, we set off for the school and got acquainted with our future students.
     I would like to express my gratitude to the administration of the Gymnasium and to all the teachers for their warm attitude and, especially, for the perfectly organized working conditions! 

     In the afternoon the first part of the contest started. We had to write an essay, do a project and conduct a Masterclass that showed our professional approach to teaching EFL. All the teachers came up with great teaching ideas and I am happy to say that this was a really useful part of the contest. I hope I was also able to contribute to my colleagues` experience. And another thing to mention is that we are all thankful to Maryana Trifan, the Head Methodologist of the INSET Institute, for such a professional, but, at the same time, warm environment she and the jury, headed by Lesya Rohach, one of the best professionals in the field, have created! Besides, we were happy to find out that international members of jury were also invited. All this positively affected our mood, thus we were able to successfully go through that tiring, however pleasant day. 

      The Big Day came early in the morning after just a couple of hours of sleep! As teachers, we all understand that the crucial thing in teaching is the lesson itself. I am deeply convinced that the knowledge of teaching techniques is really essential, but, first of all, a teacher should be able to share his or her knowledge with students, create a positive learning environment and make everything possible (and sometimes impossible!) to maintain the students` interest in learning English. Well, I believe I did well at the lesson. I could feel that myself and see that in my students` eyes. By the way, these were great boys and girls who were not at all afraid to express their opinions, which I value most!

 Finally, the time of the closing ceremony arrived. And again a beautiful festive hall, smiling faces and encouraging words! It was time to announce the results. I  could feel my heart beating with excitement and knees trembling. Of course, I wanted to hear my name among the first, and ..... I did hear it! Victory! Wow! What a breakthrough! Well, I did not keep it a secret that I was insistently developing my teaching skills and looking for ways to improve my language. It is because I want to keep working as a teacher and plan to be a good one!

    In a word, to say I liked to take part in the "Teacher of the Year 2016" contest, is to say nothing at all! It was amazing!!! I made good friends with many people and got this unforgettable feeling of being appreciated as a teacher!  Thanks for this!