Following teaching standards and trends

"He who dares to teach must never cease to learn!"         

                                  John Cotton Dana

           Keeping up with modern teaching trends and following the track of the educational system of not just your country, must be the key goal of any teacher. Of course, if only he or she wants to be "interesting" to students, and be ready to adapt to today`s students` needs.
So, I am going to use this section as a tool to browse the basic, as well as many other `trendy-brandy` teaching methods and ideas. And, please, don`t forget to share your teaching news!

                                                                                                        Regards, Violetta

                            Language Education Policy Profile

The Profile explains Council of Europe and Ukraine policies on language education, analyses the current situation, and discusses some directions for future developments. The development of the Profile took place at a time of much change in Ukraine. It was also a long process due to unavoidable delays caused by natural disasters.
The Council of Europe perspective       
The value of a review informed by the Experts’ Report is to bring to existing planning and innovation a Council of Europe perspective. This can be summarised as follows: 
·         that all language education must be analysed and planned holistically, to include mother tongue/first language(s) (the language(s) of education, used as media of instruction), minority languages and foreign languages; and that the aims of education should include the promotion of the plurilingualism of the individual

·          that language education policy should promote linguistic diversity and the inclusion of all linguistic and cultural groups in a society, and that language education policy is thus an aspect of social policy; at national and regional level it promotes social inclusion and from an international perspective it promotes interaction with other societies and their members.
You can read the whole profile here: 
Should we strictly follow the curriculum and its requirements? On a larger scale, yes. But there are certain different opinions on the curriculum, when talking about lessons taken separately. My opinion, both teacher and curriculum contribute to the repertoire of knowledge, but we have to bear in mind that certain requirements are to be followed!I would like you to tell me your opinion on this. Where, do you think, does the freedom of a teacher to change the 'pre-arranged' material at his lessons begin, and where does it stop?

There are certain links here which show the sources that I as a Ukrainian teacher always follow.

I am also enclosing some links that will take you to sites describing new approaches to teaching English as a foreign language.`


             It`s time now to have some rest
from reading and spend time with family, right?
If you happen to have some smaller kids,
I am sure they will enjoy the following games.


  1. Уважаемая Виолетта! Поздравляю Вас с победой в конкурсе "Учитель года - 2016"! Умница!!! Я за вас очень-очень рада!!! Желаю Вам успехов во всех Ваших творениях!!! Борисова Анна

  2. Уважаемая Виолетта! Вы - просто замечательный педагог. Очень рада, что случайно попала на Ваш сайт, теперь не могу оторваться - все изучаю. Спасибо огромное, что находите время и делитесь с нами своими наработками. Успехов Вам в практике и счастья! Борисова Анна.

    1. Уважаемая Анна! Спасибо Вам за поздравления! Я очень рада, что Вам нравится сайт и хотела бы поинтересоваться, о чём Вам лично интересно было бы почитать?

  3. Ольга Іванівна2/26/2016 01:54:00 AM

    Шановна Віолетта! Щиро вітаю Вас з перемогою у конкурсі! Бажаю подальших перемог! Ви робите дуже добру і корисну справу,а головне - ділитеся з усіма своїми ідеями та наробками. Успіхів Вам і всього найкращого!

    1. Щиро дякую Вам за підтримку!

  4. Dear Violetta! I am your former pupil! Now I study at college and I am the best student in my group. Thank you very much!!!

  5. Dear Kate! Thanks for my being your former teacher! I am proud of you!
